Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Globalization and Beyond

I've been thinking about a funny comment my 4 year old son said to his teacher recently when I was visiting his classroom:

(addressing the teacher) "Do you know what I learned from T.V.? I learned that in space there are these big blue things. Do you know what they're called? Supernovas. When the sun gets really old, it will break and..." (makes a smashing motion with his fists).

I thought that it was pretty cool that 1) he learned that in the first place, 2) he learned it from T.V. and 3) he described the concept as something that he learned.

I didn't get to talk to him about it right away, but wondered what it was that he was watching. I couldn't recall watching any shows about supernovas with him.

Later that evening while he was getting ready for bed, I asked him, "Where did you learn about supernovas?"

He responded, " From the movie. At my friends house."

"What was the movie about?"

"The university," he replied.

So after we talked about the differences and similarities between the universe and university, I thought more about his remarks. He engaged in this learning with another friend who shares a similar interest. Watching the show was a very social activity for the two boys. I'm curious about the differences in learning when watching a T.V. program alone versus watching it with a friend.

The family of my son's friend is from India. Often, I talk with his parents about education in America and learning in general. Up to now, I haven't thought about the boy's educations in terms of globalization and what their world will be like as adults, but this Jon Stewart clip from last night got me thinking about it. Enjoy!

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